Dwain Chambers

Dwain Chambers, a British track sprinter, is the sixth fastest man over 60 metres and one of the few sprinters to run a sub-10second 100meters. Currently, he is the fastest 45-year-old in the world.

Inspired by a last place in a running race when he was a teenager, Dwain set a goal, trained, and ultimately became the fastest British Teenage sprinter. In his 30-year career, Dwain has competed and had significant success at the British European and World Championships as well as the Olympics.

Dwain now coaches and inspires athletes and individuals, to promote sports, fitness and a mindset focused on achievement and success. Dwain's passion, drive and experience help him, as he inspires others, using sport, to teach life skills – discipline, overcoming setbacks, problem-solving and how to set and achieve goals.

Coach Image
Dwain Chambers